Anti-Vedolizumab antibody

Anti-Tocilizumab is a chimeric rabbit/mouse antibody that specifically targets the human therapeutic antibody Tocilizumab. It consists of rabbit variable domains and mouse constant domains, mainly binding to free
Tocilizumab in samples.

Article number M9265
Product group Recombinant Antibody
Technique ELISA

General information


Anti-Vedolizumab is a chimeric rabbit/mouse anti-idiotypic antibody that specifically targets the human therapeutic antibody Vedolizumab. It consists of rabbit variable domains and mouse constant domains, mainly binding to free Vedolizumab in samples.


Vedolizumab is a human IgG1/kappa antibody that recognizes the α4β7 integrin, expressed by immune cells to mediate migration to the intestine.


Anti-Vedolizumab antibody has been evaluated in ELISA. Validation in other techniques is required by the user. It is recommended to test the antibody by titrating the product in the chosen technique, using appropriate negative and positive controls.

For research use only!


Figure 1: Titration of Vedolizumab to create a pharmacokinetic (PK) curve in bridging ELISA.

Anti-Vedolizumab antibody was used as capture (0.25µg/ml) and detection (0.125 µg/ml) antibody in

sandwich assay format, as described previously. (3) VDZ= Vedolizumab


AntiBodyChain is the official worldwide distributor for the Sanquin/Essange Reagents products.


Find out more information about the scientific background of the product.

  • European Medicines Agency (EMA). Entyvio (vedolizumab). 2023.
  • Luzentales-Simpson M, Pang YCF, Zhang A, Sousa JA, Sly LM. Vedolizumab: Potential Mechanisms
    of Action for Reducing Pathological Inflammation in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Front Cell Dev
    Biol. 2021; 9.
  • Großerichter-Wagener C, Kos D, van Leeuwen A, Dijk L, Jeremiasse J, Loeff FC et al. Biased anti
    idiotype response in rabbits leads to high-affinity monoclonal antibodies to biologics. MAbs
    2020; 12. PMID:32887534.

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